Studies of Active Galactic Nuclei in Kazakhstan
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This article presents an overview of works on the study of active galactic nuclei in Kazakhstan. The studies have been conducted at Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute (FAI) and still ongoing. Since the number of works carried out is large and it is not possible to review them in one article, the author limited herself to a review of the one object studies (Mrk 1095 = Ark 120) and a short description of the theoretical model of active galactic nuclei (AGN) developed at FAI.
Spectral studies of Mrk 1095 revealed the presence of three emission objects near the galactic core. This made it possible to determine the orbits of these objects and to calculate the mass of the central body. In addition, from the observational data a possibility of the binary nature of the central body was established.
At the end of the past century, scientists from FAI improved the unified AGN model. The theories put forward for this purpose made it possible to explain the presence of broad absorption lines (BAL) in the spectra of active galaxies
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