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Tigran Movsessian
Tigran Magakian
John Bally
Aleksei Moiseev
Hasmik Andreasyan


This is a shortened version of the presentation at the conference “Non-Stationary Processes in the Protoplanetary Disks and Their Observational Manifestations” held at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory.

We present narrow-band images of the southern part of the Mon R2 association obtained in the course of the BNBIS survey with the 1-m Schmidt telescope of the Byurakan Observatory. The main task of this survey is search and study of new Herbig-Haro (HH) objects and collimated outflows using the narrow-band Hα and [S ii] images of certain fields in dark clouds of the Galaxy since the presence of HH objects is one of the main indicators of active star-formation processes.

Several new HH objects and outflow systems were discovered, including the helical chain of HH objects near IRAS 06068-0643 (V963 Mon) and the curved outflow system associated with the 2MASS 06084223-0657385 source, which probably represents the irradiated giant outflow. Also, two molecular hydrogen outflows associated with deeply embedded IR sources near the 2MASS 06084223-0657385 region were revealed.


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How to Cite
Movsessian T., Magakian T., Bally J., et al., 2023. Acta Astrophysica Taurica, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 8–11. DOI: 10.34898/aat.vol4.iss1.pp8-11
Сonference proceedings


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