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Yurii Kupryakov
Aleksei Gorshkov
Larisa Kashapova
Miroslav Barta


The work is devoted to the search for quasi-periodic oscillations in the emission of solar flares based on observations in the H CaII, Hβ, Hα, IR CaII 8542 Å chromospheric lines (spectrograph HSFA-2, Ondrejov), which are formed under the influence of many parameters such as temperature, density, motion of matter, which change in wide ranges. After processing the spectra and spectroheliograms, including the RHESSI and RT3 data in the X-ray and radio bands (3 GHz), respectively, oscillation periods close to each other with characteristic values of 1–2 min were revealed. Presumably 5-minute oscillations have also been found in radio and X-ray emission.


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How to Cite
Kupryakov Y., Gorshkov A., Kashapova L., Barta M., 2024. Acta Astrophysica Taurica, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 34–36. Available at: (Accessed: 18 October 2024)
Magnetism and Activity of the Sun and Stars - 2022 Conference proceedings


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