Impact of the internal structure on the scattering properties of inhomogeneous particles
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Inhomogeneous particles are widespread in nature. When interpreting observational data on remote sensing of celestial bodies, the relative abundances of various elements are often determined. This paper aims to study the impact of the mutual arrangement of inhomogeneities on the scattering properties of layered particles. Silicate-carbon (silicate covered with a layer of carbon) and carbon-silicate (carbon covered with a layer of silicate) particles were considered. Computer simulation of the scattering properties of layered particles using the shape matrix method showed that the mutual arrangement of layers at the same carbon and silicate abundances noticeably affects both the integral scattering characteristics (scattering factor, absorption factor, single scattering albedo) and the linear polarization degree. A comparison of the simulation results with the results of polarimetric observations of the F-type asteroid (3200) Phaethon showed that the asteroids of this type are highly likely characterized by silicate-carbon particles, which have both a higher degree of linear polarization at the corresponding phase angle and a lower albedo.
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